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A 75+ year history of collaboration
Founded in 1948, the OOC is a technical advocate for the offshore energy industry regarding the regulation of offshore exploration, development and production on the OCS. Our membership consists of companies representing 90+% of the OCS production.
The Key to our Success
OOC engages in technical trade advocacy to identify and implement solutions.
We work with our member SMEs, government regulators, and trade associations to build solutions that benefit the offshore energy industry.
OOC works current topics and issues most important to the offshore energy industry.
Topics include safety, regulation, exploration, development and production on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
OOC is committed to continuous improvement in the offshore energy industry.
We accomplish this through
focused, senior leadership, data drive results, and member-driven priorities and actions.
The Advantages of Membership
Organized collaboration with other industry SMEs
Access to member-only publications
Ability to provide input and participate in subcommittee and workgroup meetings
And more!